Ultimate Guide to Muscle Recovery

by Shani Ahmed
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Muscle Recovery is important for athletes as it will help them in enhance their performance and reach their peak potential.

For those who have been exercising for a while, you know that feeling muscle fatigue after an intense bike workout is part of the process! But good recovery of the muscles worked while cycling is essential for more effective physical development and ensures better performance in the next workout.

That’s why we’ve put together some information about some of the most commonly used methods for quick recovery that will help you achieve peak cycling performance! Some resources include:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Contrast bath
  • Massage
  • Stretching
  • Sleep
  • Food

The steps after training are just as important as the training itself, as this is the phase in which the muscles recover and develop. Not respecting the muscle recovery time can end up increasing the risk of injuries and reducing your progress in the sport.

Review the details of each technique below and find out which method is best for you.

Muscle Recovery

Perform cryotherapy sessions for Muscle Recovery

This strategy involves applying ice packs or immersing yourself in cold water after exercise. Its purpose is to reduce the inflammatory response and regenerate tissue, in addition to having a momentary analgesic effect due to nerve inhibition.

This method reduces muscle swelling and provides faster recovery, allowing the athlete to return to their training routine in less time.

Take contrast baths for Muscle Recovery

Also known as Mixed Therapy, it is the combination of two techniques, thermotherapy, which uses heat to relax muscles and relieve pain and cryotherapy, which treats injuries using cold, and this procedure is done by exposing the muscles to cold and heat alternately.

The major benefit of this method includes the reduction of lactate, a substance responsible for the burning sensation in the muscles after intense physical exercise.

Done commonly in a bathtub with water, this technique encourages narrowing and dilating of blood vessels resulting from temperature changes, to make a way for better blood flow, reduction of lactate in the muscle, and relaxation, and, as such, contributes to the recovery process of the muscles.

Make massages part of your workout routine for Muscle Recovery

This technique has also proved to have positive results on the reduction of pain and inflammation in the muscles as a result of increased blood flow and oxygen in the massaged area.

It can be carried out by the hands of a professional or by the use of specialized equipment.

Note that, though muscle pain will be relieved, resting time between the workouts is to be preserved so as to recover correctly from those muscles and injuries can also be avoided.

Maintain a healthy diet for Muscle Recovery

Take care of your diet in preparation for intense physical exercise. It is in that sense that you know what to take and eat so as to speed up the recovery of your muscles, gaining all the benefits of nutrients.

In addition to high protein consumption , carbohydrates have proven to be extremely important in an athlete’s diet, as they provide the energy needed to perform high-intensity physical activities.

Foods rich in antioxidants are also important, as they control the production of free radicals in the human body. Therefore, long-term supplementation with vitamin C and vitamin E is recommended, as these nutrients have the ability to reduce free radicals, thus reducing the signs and symptoms of normal muscle damage.

Practice stretching for Muscle Recovery

This is a tactic that can be used both before and after training, with the body already warmed up, and its main objective is to increase the movement capacity of the joints and prevent injuries.

When performed before exercise, it can decrease the inflammatory response caused by normal muscle damage and decrease spasms . After exercise, it can be beneficial for relaxing both the mind and body.

So, is it worth taking a few minutes before cycling to do a good stretch and protect your muscles?

Prioritize your sleep for Muscle Recovery

Another extremely essential point for muscle recovery is the quality of your sleep, since this is when the body recovers from injuries caused by physical exercise.

A good night’s sleep ensures balanced physical development, improved motor skills, reduced stress and increased muscle recovery after cycling training.

With easy techniques incorporated into your training recurring, it is feasible to improve your body’s healing after working towards sports and make sure improved overall performance.

It is worth noting that using anti-inflammatories isn’t endorsed for muscle recovery, as they have got a capacity poor impact on lengthy-term use of those medications and they may be not powerful towards muscle pain or inside the restoration of injuries.


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