Optimizing Content for Top Google Search Positions: 7 Key Tips

by Shani Ahmed
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Your task is to give the visitor the most complete answer to their request, to solve their problem.

When writing, remember to mention things like adding multiple media, social sharing, readability, and internal/external links.

But that’s not all. We’ve prepared some important recommendations to help you improve your content optimization and grow organically in search results.

1. Pay attention to SERP functions

Search results are no longer limited to links from the 10 most relevant websites. The search results page is now more multifaceted: contextual ads are located at the top and bottom, the output may include links to corresponding videos and images, an article on Wikipedia, a page on Google Business, etc.

Optimize your content based on these factors:

  • If you add an image, infographic or video, optimize it based on relevant keywords so that it also appears in the results;
  • If you have the option to answer questions, create a FAQ page (questions should be formatted as subheadings). You will have the opportunity to get into the SERP in the “People also ask” section.
  • dynamic content optimization is currently all the rage – personalized content changes according to the visitor’s needs (e.g. automatically displaying the page in a suitable language)

2. Choose your topic

It’s easier to optimize a site with specific niche content than a site that talks about “everything.”

If you focus on a specific topic and create valuable content, Google will recognize your resource as an expert on that topic.

3. Choose keywords

By analyzing search queries, you’ll learn what your potential visitors are looking for, what they’re interested in, and what problems they want to solve.

Based on the keywords you have selected, you can create a content strategy and start optimizing your website. Here are some recommendations:

  • Search for queries on topics depending on the purpose of a particular page (product, for sale, information, etc.);
  • study your searches regularly: better once a quarter. If there are new relevant words in the search – prepare optimized content on this topic;
  • Use queries which might be relevant on your site. If a person is seeking out “purchase a toaster,” they probable receiver’s need to read approximately the history of home appliance development. They need a store page with a class for toasters.

4. Structure your content

Providing visitors with relevant information is good, but not enough, because information of the same quality (or even better) is offered by several hundred similar websites.

Therefore, along with the quality of the information, the structure of the content will affect the ranking. The content of the page should include:

  • headings and subheadings for easy page navigation;
  • bulleted and numbered lists;
  • images, videos and infographics with valuable visual content;
  • citations and links to sources;
  • links to other relevant pages on the site.

The time a visitor spends on your page is an important ranking factor on Google, as it indicates the quality of the content.

5. Optimize the title tag

The title performs several functions, for example:

  • reflects the name of the page;
  • is displayed in search results;
  • is displayed when reposting links on social networks;
  • helps the user make a decision about the transition;
  • includes the main search query page.

To optimize the title, write a short title for the page – preferably up to 70 characters so that all the words are visible in the output.

This should be a compelling offer with user-friendly content. You can include the search query in the title, preferably closer to the beginning of the sentence.

You want a completely unique identify for each web page to your website. Simply listing requests separated by using commas or copying the content material of the H1 header is illegal.

6. Optimize the meta description

The meta description is that brief precis beneath the name of a web page when a search is carried out at the internet.

When compiling a description, follow these guidelines:

  1. Recommended length – about 130 and maximum 160 characters . The exact length and keyword density in the description do not matter to the search engine. According to one study , in two cases out of three, Google forms a snippet on its own.
  2. The page description should contain the most relevant keyword requests, but without repeating words.
  3. Create the description in a meaningful format that briefly explains the content and motivates the transition.
  4. The description must be unique for each page and different from the title.

7. Create quality content

Based on recommendations from Google employees, we have identified 6 criteria for website content quality:

  1. Text length. You can use the results of Buffer ‘s study or focus on the relevant query type. Analyze the top 10 search results for your chosen query and find the average text length value.
  2. Readability. It is determined by the structure (see paragraph above) and content. Uniqueness, absence of errors and “empty” words, specificity and focus on the audience are important factors.
  3. Disclosure of the topic (topic) . Dedicate content not to search queries, but to the chosen topic. Relevance and coherence are valued by visitors and Google much more than the number of references to search words.
  4. Uniqueness . Your content should be unique in meaning and technically. Technical uniqueness means that you will not post content copied directly from others. Semantics is value. You do not need to rewrite other people’s thoughts or express known meanings. Valuable content is unique, reflecting your expert opinion and point of view.
  5. Grammar . The thing is simple: you need to write without mistakes.
  6. Viral effect. Visitors should have a desire to share your content. The more recommendations with a link to your site on blogs and social networks, the higher your search engine ranking will be. As a rule, people willingly share interesting content that contains valuable data, humor, and high-quality infographics.

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