Landing Pages: Learn How To Create High-Conversion Pages

by Shani Ahmed
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You enter the page, read a description about an ebook offer, checklist, map or any other item, then fill out a form and receive an email or see a download start automatically. This is usually the path you follow when accessing  landing pages  .

Landing pages are pages designed to  achieve a specific goal and direct the user to take action  . Have you ever imagined being able to build them in a way that increases the conversion rate and, consequently, the  prospecting of customers  ? That’s what you’ll learn in this content. Keep reading to understand better!

What are Landing Pages?

A landing page is a independently created page designed for some type of campaign or offer. You may have come across one when you were directed to a page to download an ebook or other similar item – often called a “lead bait.”

Landing pages are designed specifically for this purpose: to call someone to take action, with some focus or objective behind it. And that’s what sets these pages apart: they are so  well-targeted  to a goal  that there are no other distractions for users, and so the offer can be even more attractive. But for this to be truly effective, the landing page needs to be set up strategically. There are some essential items on each one that need to be well designed. Let’s take a look at them below!

Landing Pages

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How to create high-converting Landing Pages

As mentioned, landing pages will revolve around a specific objective. Therefore, this should be the first step: defining what the objective is. Then, each element should be prepared so that it is neither boring nor unattractive.

#01. Create a tempting title for Landing Pages

The title will probably be the first sentence read by a potential customer. So, a good landing page design starts with it. The title needs to be tempting and present an irresistible offer.

Choose your terms carefully and use  intellectual triggers . Show the customer what they may benefit with the aid of accepting the provide and  create a revel in of urgency  , as even though they had to fill out the landing web page shape proper now to now not leave out out on the hazard to change some thing in their life. Also use  attractive phrases  , including: now, free, achievement, amongst others.

Other information can also be eye-catching, such as a  statistic  : “X% of people have lost billions without a  content marketing strategy  , according to research Y”. This makes the title a  compelling argument  for the user to accept the offer. Use information like this, but remember to be cautious.

Another secret to a good title is to understand who your  personas are . From this, you will know what your potential customer’s pain points are and how your company can solve them. Knowing this, just bring it to the landing page titles and also to the description…

#02. Create an irresistible description Landing Pages

The landing page description is a  short text that accompanies the title  . In it, you can provide more information and, if the title is not enough, it is the opportunity to convince the reader about the landing page proposal.

In this description, remember to  point out what the reader will gain  by accepting the page’s proposal. If they are downloading an ebook, for example, describe what they will find in the ebook and how this content can change their life now. Write in a way that addresses your persona’s pain and makes them identify with the text.

Let’s give an example. If your potential client is worried about not knowing how to ensure cybersecurity for their company, you can write the description with this in mind: “A recent study showed that companies can lose trillions due to cybercrime. In this scenario, it is common to be concerned about security. However, with so many solutions available on the market, it can be difficult to find the best one. Therefore, in this ebook, we list the best technologies and tools for you to protect your company and avoid catastrophic losses (…).”

Make the customer identify with the problem you are describing. This way, you also  create more need  in them. They will finish reading the description with the certainty that they need what you are offering.

#03. Use a good image and good visual content for Landing Pages

Images are also essential on landing pages. Depending on the offer you are making, images can illustrate it. Avoid generic and overused images and combine them with your content.

Images can complement information and make a landing page much more pleasing to the eye. You can also do this with other visual resources, remembering to adhere to   your brand’s visual identity .

#04. Create a practical and efficient form for Landing Pages

Landing pages are generally used to make an offer and, in exchange, collect data about users.

When downloading an ebook, for example, a persona can provide a variety of information, including their email address, which will help them move forward in the  marketing funnel  and become a potential customer base for your strategies. With their email address, you can  nurture leads  , fostering relationships and building trust so that they will soon buy from your brand.

This form, however, needs to be uncomplicated, simple and practical, otherwise  the user may even give up  on the offer due to laziness in filling it out or insecurity in providing so much data.

The more information, the lower the conversion rate.  Therefore, focus on essential information, such as name, email and any other field that is useful for your strategy (for example, the person’s position).

Other elements for a Landing Pages

In addition to the basic elements, you can add other features to your landing pages to further attract potential customers. Here are some examples:


If the offer is for a limited time, you can add a timer to your landing pages, indicating to the user that it will expire very soon. This can create  a sense of urgency  , making the user fill out the form in fear of missing out on the offer.

Social proof

Social proof is a testimonial or comment from someone who has already had an experience with the brand. You can collect testimonials from someone who has already downloaded your ebook, for example, to say how it helped their strategies.

Social proof works as a  final argument  for your landing page, showing the user that they will really benefit from what is being offered.

The testimonial can include a photo, a quote, and you can even include more than one. If you have an authority on the subject who comments on your offer, you can include that comment as well.

Calendar reminder

If your landing page is for an event, you can include the option to add a reminder to the user’s calendar. Tools like  Google Calendar  allow this.

With a reminder that appears directly in the person’s smartphone notifications, the user is more likely to remember the event and be present on the day.

Remember optimization

Over time, you’ll be able to understand whether or not your landing pages are generating good conversions. This way, you can  test different strategies  to see what works and what doesn’t.

In short, remember to design each element carefully and strategically and optimize according to the conversion rate.


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